Our Blog
Learn about the latest news when it comes to OSHA compliance, staying safe at the workplace, and much more.
Hazardous Waste Compliance
Managing hazardous waste is a critical responsibility for businesses to ensure environmental safety and regulatory compliance. Organizations must adhere to strict guidelines set forth by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Transportation (DOT). Understanding these requirements is essential to avoid penalties, protect employees, and minimize environmental impact.
Emergency Equipment Accessibility
While it seems common sense to not block emergency equipment, it happens; even if clutter seems only temporary. Blocked emergency equipment is not only a frequent OSHA citation, it also can have deadly consequences.
Start 2025 Safe and Prepared
2025 brings with it a new year of protecting workers. Our mission is to support you in achieving proactive industrial safety measures, ensuring a safer and more secure working environment.
Did You Know…
Employers are obligated to provide a workplace free from recognized hazards, which includes, among other things, measuring and monitoring employee exposure to hazardous conditions. Often times initial and baseline monitoring is overlooked, which can lead to OSHA citations and penalties.
You May Find This Shocking!
Electrical fires are the #1 cause of fire in the workplace. Any electrical citation from OSHA is considered a serious violation and usually results in fines that can range from $1,190 to $6,913 for a low gravity violation, and can reach up to $161,323 for a willful or repeated violation.
Cybersecurity Awareness Month
Held every October since 2004, National Cybersecurity Awareness Month is a collaborative effort among government agencies, businesses, educational institutions and non-profit organizations which aims to raise awareness about the importance of cybersecurity and the need to be safer and more secure online. ACS is proud to support this important initiative, this year led by the Department of Homeland Security's Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the National Cybersecurity Alliance (NCSA).
OSHA’s Severe Injury Report Dashboard
Earlier this month, OSHA launched its Severe Injury Report (SIR) Dashboard, an online tool that users to search its severe injury report database and view trends related to workplace injuries. The dashboard is sortable and searchable by year, NAICS code, state, establishment name, event or exposure, source, nature, and body part. OSHA encourages workers and employers to use the SIR dashboard to learn how severe injuries happen in their industries and use the agency's available resources to help prevent workplace injuries.
Warning Signs of Heat Exhaustion
Soaring temperatures this summer serve as a critical reminder of the dangers posed by extreme heat. It is important to be aware of occupational risk factors and how heat affects the human body in order to prevent heat-related illnesses.
OSHA Updates Hazard Communication Standard
OSHA has issued a final rule that updates the Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) to align primarily with the seventh revision of the United Nations' Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). The final rule was published on May 20, 2024 and takes effect on July 19, 2024.
Lockout/Tagout – Developing a Strong Program
Year after year Lockout/Tagout has remained one of the top 10 most cited violations by OSHA (6th in 2023), so the odds are good you might encounter one. Violations are generally for failing to have a machine specific Lockout/Tagout procedure, not training authorized or affected employees, and for failing to conduct periodic inspections of Lockout/Tagout procedures (aka annual audit).
Cell Phone Distracted Driving
Workers in many industries and occupations spend all or part of their workdays on the road. One study showed that compared with other drivers, those who drive as part of their work are much more likely to be distracted. Some of the reasons this occurs is because they are more likely to be in a hurry to reach their destination, think about work, be tired, or use a cell phone.
Opioid Dependency is on the Rise in the US
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, workplace unintentional overdose deaths from nonmedical use of drugs or alcohol have increased 619% since 2011. Overdose deaths in 2022 totaled 525, equivalent to nearly 9.6% of all occupational injury deaths that year. Increases have been experienced among all employee demographics, industries, and occupations. The main driver of these deaths is opioids.
What to Do When OSHA Requests Documentation
If your company is visited by OSHA, for any reason, there is a very strong chance that they will be requesting to look at your Written Safety Plans/Programs, as well as necessary documentation for their visit. The lack of up to date and site-specific Written Safety Plans/Programs and other documentation is a leading cause of OSHA citations.
Reminder to Post Your OSHA 300A Summary
For employers who are required to maintain work-related injury and illness records, it’s that time of year again. Many, but not all, employers must complete the OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping forms on an ongoing basis. But minor injuries that are treated only by first aid don't need to be recorded.
Twelve Days of Safety
Winter and the holiday season bring greater risks of injury and illness. In an effort to help prevent these injuries and keep workers safe, we are sharing the University of Minnesota’s 12 Days of Safety.
Beware of Compressed Air - It Can Be Dangerous
Compressed air is widely used in industry to power pneumatic tools such as air hammers, nail guns, and pneumatic wrenches. The line pressure needed to operate such tools is typically between 85 and 125 pounds per square inch (psi).
OSHA 300 Log – Recordable or Just First Aid?
Many times, an injury occurs, and companies are not prepared as to how to handle and track this injury, especially when it comes to whether it is recordable or not per OSHA. Not all injuries need to be recorded on the OSHA 300 Log.
Preparing for Disasters & Emergencies
National Preparedness Month, an annual observance to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time, culminates on September 30th with National Preparedness Day, the national day of action. As National Preparedness Month comes to an end and reports of El Niño 2023 amplifying extreme weather, it is the perfect time to get prepared for disasters.
Managing an OSHA Inspection
Throughout the first half of 2023, OSHA signaled to employers that enforcement is an agency priority and that it will use a full range of mechanisms to hold employers accountable for workplace health and safety violations. With OSHA’s increased activity, employers must focus on compliance with workplace standards, preparing for inspections, and anticipating other OSHA actions.
Heat Stress and How to Avoid It
If you do not take the right precautions when working in hot conditions, you can experience heat stress which can advance quickly to several heat-related illnesses. Employers and workers should be sure to have plans in place to provide access to plenty of water, take adequate breaks when needed, as well as access to shade or cool-down areas.