Our Blog
Learn about the latest news when it comes to OSHA compliance, staying safe at the workplace, and much more.
New OSHA National Emphasis Program - Warehouse Safety
Doug Parker, Assistant Secretary of Labor and head of OSHA, announced that the agency will be launching a new National Emphasis Program (NEP) this summer to focus on high injury rates in warehouses.
Stress in the Workplace
Workplaces can have many stressors such as long hours, low salaries, heavy workload, tight deadlines, unclear job expectations, and job insecurity. Issues in the workplace can exacerbate the risk of experiencing mental health challenges.
Importance of Written Safety Plans
Even if there's no clear regulatory requirement for a written safety plan/program, having one can benefit your business in ways besides compliance. After all, the main goal is to prevent workplace injuries, illnesses or deaths that would cause harm and financial hardship to your workers, their families, and your organization.
Workplace Eye Wellness Month
According to the CDC, every single day, about 2,000 U.S. workers sustain a job-related eye injury that requires medical treatment. There are more than 15,000 welding equipment-related eye injuries a year and power tools come in second, contributing to nearly 10,000 eye injuries a year. Nearly one million Americans have already lost some degree of sight due to an eye injury.
OSHA’s Top 10 Safety Violations of 2022
Every year OSHA compiles a list of the ten most-cited standard violations from the previous fiscal year. The annual list, based on worksite inspections, aims to alert employers about common violations to help prevent them. Although each of these hazards may not apply to every workplace, it can provide a blueprint for implementing a best practice safety program.
Reminder to Post Your OSHA 300A Summary
For employers who are required to maintain work-related injury and illness records, it’s that time of year again. Many, but not all, employers must complete the OSHA injury and illness recordkeeping forms on an ongoing basis. But minor injuries that are treated only by first aid don't need to be recorded.
Holiday Travel Safety
With so many families taking Christmas/New Year’s trips together for the first time in three years, it is essential to consider holiday travel safety during these busy times. You can never be too careful, too prepared or too aware. Paula Twidale, AAA’s Senior Vice President of Travel says, “Plan ahead and pack your patience, whether you’re driving or flying.”
Fire Safety Month 2022
Each year, the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) celebrates National Fire Safety Month in October. During this month, fire departments and fire marshal's offices nationwide play a key role in bringing Fire Safety Month to life in their communities each year and spreading basic but critical fire safety messages, encouraging everyone to practice fire safety at home and in the workplace.
OSHA National Emphasis Program for Heat-Related Illnesses
In April of 2022, OSHA launched its National Emphasis Program for Heat-Related Hazards. The first-ever national OSHA standard for heat stress, the monumental program is designed to protect at-risk outdoor and indoor workers from the rising threat of heat-related illness.
New OSHA Leadership: Employers Need to be on Alert
Doug Parker the new head of OSHA is the latest signal of big changes that are in store for many business leaders and their companies. The Biden administration has pledged to make significant changes to the American workplace. Parker will be responsible for implementing many of those changes. It is reasonable to think that workplace safety enforcement will be more aggressive and robust under OSHA lead by Parker.
June is National Safety Month
National Safety Month is celebrated annually in June when people focus on how they can keep their workplaces safe and free from danger. It is a time to reflect on the working conditions around the country and how we can create a safer environment for those who work hard for an honest pay. By learning about safety methods, we can increase pressure on employers to offer a safer working environment to their employees.
April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month
Distracted driving has become a deadly epidemic on US roadways. While drivers texting behind the wheel tops what seems like an endless list of distractions, other risky actions include talking — whether it be on the phone or to others in the car, setting your navigation, adjusting what you’re listening to, drinking coffee, applying makeup, and more. By driving distracted, you’re robbing yourself of seconds that you may need to avoid a close call or deadly crash.
March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month
ACS is proud to join many organizations across the U.S. including the American Academy of Ophthalmology, American Optometric Association, and Prevent Blindness to celebrate Workplace Eye Wellness Month.
Post 2021 Injury-Illness Summary by Feb 1st
Beginning February 1, employers must post a summary of the total number of job-related injuries and illnesses that occurred last year. Minor injuries that are treated only by first aid do not need to be recorded. Employers are only required to post the Summary (OSHA Form 300A) -- not the OSHA 300 Log -- from Feb.1 to Apr. 30, 2022.
Cold Weather and Extreme Winter Storm Safety
Snow, rain, plummeting temperatures, illness outbreaks, dangerous driving conditions, and increased fire dangers are just a few of the threats that may impact your people and business this winter.
Post Your 2019 Injury-Illness Summary By Feb. 1st
OSHA recordkeeping requirements mandate that all employers who are required to maintain an OSHA 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses prepare, certify, and post a summary of the previous year’s log.
Forklift Operator Training and Evaluations
OSHA requires that employers train workers in the safe operation of a forklift as set forth under OSHA 29 CFR 1910.178 regulations. Only certified and authorized individuals may operate forklifts.
Work Zone Awareness
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and its partners recently sponsored National Work Zone Awareness Week, an annual spring campaign held at the start of construction season.
Managing an OSHA Inspection
An OSHA inspector arrives at your door, unannounced, and wants to conduct an inspection of your workplace. What do you do?
OSHA 300A Reminder
It’s that time of year again and OSHA is reminding employers required to maintain an OSHA 300 Log of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses to post their 300A Summary beginning February 1.