NFPA Sounds Alarm for Fire Prevention Week 2016
2016 National Fire Prevention Week
National Fire Prevention Week
No one thinks a fire is going to occur at their house or business, but billions of dollars in fire damage happen each year. Fire safety should take place year-round, but the enhanced attention it gets during National Fire Prevention Association’s (NFPA) Fire Prevention Week (October 9-15) can help business owners get the message across.
Fires in the workplace are more common than people think. However, with a little common sense and safe behavior, they can be prevented. Heeding the following tips from the PA Department of Labor & Industry Bureau of Workers’ Compensation’s Health and Safety Division can help keep your workplace safe from fires.
Eliminate fire hazards: Keep workspaces free of waste paper and other combustibles, have damaged electrical cords replaced, and do not overload circuits.
Prepare for emergencies: Make sure you know who to call and where to go in an emergency. Report fires and emergencies promptly.
Sound the building fire alarm/evacuation signal and call the fire department immediately.
Evacuate safely: In an emergency, leave the area quickly; use stairs instead of the elevator. Assist your coworkers.
Use and maintain wiring, tools, and equipment correctly. Keep everything oil- and dust-free.
Uncoil an extension cord fully before use (use for temporary wiring ONLY); be sure the amperage of the cord is appropriate for the job you are doing.
Do not use equipment that delivers mild electrical shocks, gives off unusual heat, or smells odd. If in doubt, have it checked and repaired or replaced.
Sweep up scraps of paper or material, and dust as soon as possible.
Store flammable liquids in approved containers and locations.
Do not use electrical equipment when flammable gases, vapors, liquids, dust, or fibers are present.
Make sure trash is emptied frequently enough to prohibit a build-up of combustibles in an area.
Everyone is responsible to keep his or her workplace free from fire. A fire can be devastating–do your best to prevent fires from happening!